Thursday, April 22, 2010

Volcanoes and Pop up flowers in Room 5

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
We like to talk about things happening around us. We have been talking about the volcano in Iceland. Teacher showed us a great video of a helicopter flying over the volcano, and we saw great photos (you can see them too by clicking the links on our History and Geography page under the heading - Volcanoes).
Today we painted our own volcanoes. We think they look really realistic!

We are also talking about forces, pushing and pulling. We thought it would be very interesting to make a toy that worked by pushing and pulling it - a toy made with a lever. Since we have just planted lots of seeds, we thought a flower would be suitable.
Here is a flower, made from a toilet roll and card, which can shrink and grow, not by watering it, but by using its lever (a skewer) to push and pull it. Why not try making one at home?

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