Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Na Trí Mhuc

Beidh drama ar siúl ar an 7ú lá i mí Feabhra sa Seanscoil Sailearna Connemara.  Bíonn na paistí ag clacthadh go dian agus tá siad ar fheabhas.  Táimid ag dheanamh alán obair bunaithe ar na Trí Mhuc.  Tá suil agam go bhainfidh na páistí alán taitneamh as an dhrama.

The drama is on in Connemara on the 7th of February.  The children are practicing really hard and are fantastic.  We are doing alot of lovely things about the three little pigs (have a look at our art).  I hope the children enjoy the experience of being on stage and using their well learned Irish.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

All about houses in Senior infants

We are talking about houses.  We know the different rooms in a house, different kinds of houses, and different houses from different countries:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFYH7xj-EhQ
Today we painted houses while we listened to a really nice song about houses.
Here is the song we heard:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR5qPNPGCmY

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Magic carpet ride

We had a magic carpet in our room for a week.We learned a poem about a magic carpet and then the children wrote down where they would go to if they had a carpet that could bring them anywhere!

Learning about the Water Cycle

 We had two visiting teachers in from Italy,Lara and Marcella,who did a lovely art lesson with the children on the water cycle.They showed them a cardboard montage of the cycle and then the children had to imagine the journey of a raindrop.Next they did raindrop pictures using oil colours and a printing technique.When they had done that,they got to pick out fabrics from a box and use them to make a rain collage.It was a lovely lesson!

Eskimos in Senior infants

Look at the eskimos we have been making in art.
We hope they are not too cold!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Music with movement in Senior infants

We are learning a new song.  It is called "Morning Town Ride".
We responded to this song through dance, mime and actions.
We had a lot of fun with our new song.
Here is a link to our new song from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6JCzkFpG8k

Construction in Senior infants

Construction is part of our Art and Craft programme. Here you can see our future Architects, Engineers, Artists and Mathematicians creating and inventing!