Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chinese Lanterns & St. Brigid's Day

Tomorrow is Chinese New Year.
It is the Year of the Horse.
We made some nice Chinese Lanterns to decorate our hall.
St. Brigid's Day is on Saturday, February 1st.
We heard a wonderful story about how St. Brigid got land from a chieftain on which to build her church.
The chieftain told Brigid that she could have as much land as her cloak would cover.
Brigid's cloak grew and grew and covered enough land on which to build a church.
Here is our version of St. Brigid's cloak. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


We sent reporters to find out about Hansel and Gretel's adventure in the woods.
We heard about their feelings and their emotions in the woods.
This was very interesting.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Music in the classroom

Today, we went to Leisureland to watch the RTE concert orchestra perform 'Music in the Classroom.' We had great fun! We had spent the last few weeks learning the songs so we were well prepared for the performance. 

Winter snowmen

We made some lovely snowmen with shredded paper for art today.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Art time

We were learning about primary colours. We used them to mix secondary colours- green, orange and purple! Then we looked at the work of Piet Mondrian, a famous artist, and painted pictures just like his- with straight lines and lots of primary colours!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Drumming with Alan

Today we had a drumming class in Renmore Community Centre with Alan.

We did different rhythms:- base, open and goats hair.

We enjoyed a clapping challenge too.
We played a great hot and cold game.  A ball was hidden.  The only way to find it was to listen to the drumming.  When we were far from the ball the drumming was slow and quiet and when we got close to finding the ball the drumming got loud and fast.  We liked this game.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Little Beings

This week teacher read two stories about Little Beings who learned how to make friends and how to be energetic and eager. We used our imagination to create our own Little Beings.