Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coirm Gael Linn

We had a wonderful day yesterday at the Coirm Gael Linn in the Town Hall Theatre.
The children were brilliant at their play and behaved excellently all day.
They really loved An Fear Grinn Giggles who played tricks on them and on teachers, blowing up funny balloons.He made on teacher put on a nappy balloon!
We were very proud of the children yesterday.They got  a special trophy to celebrate their great team work and characterisation.Maith sibh,a pháistí!!
And thank you so much to our fantastic helpers - Susan who made out beautiful costumes,toadstools and flowers,Jean ,Margaret and Anne for their hard work in the dark backstage and Maggie,Ann and Mrs O Connor who did makeup.And a big thank you to all the parents who supported us the last few weeks.A huge thank you to Len for originally making our props and keeping them fresh and pretty!
Check out some professional photos on

Using our instruments

We were in a very musical mood this morning.
We played our instruments to the sound of some great kids songs.
Everyone could choose the instrument they wanted to play and then we swapped round lots.
We are proud of the music we can play!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

An Fhéile Scoildrámaíochta 2013

Bhí an-lá againn in Indreabhán inniu.
Bhí na haisteoirí har bharr ar fad.
Tá an múinteoir har a bheith bródúil astibh go léir.
Maith sibh!!
We had a wonderful day at the Féile Scoildrámaíochta.
Teacher is so proud of all of us.  We were on our best behaviour, we did our best and we had a lot of fun.
We especially enjoyed our make-up session this morning, our bus journey, our lunch in a room beside the stage and above all  WE  LOVE  OUR  PLAY!

Chinese new year

We learned all about the Chinese New Year. We made lanterns to celebrate it!

Chinese fireworks

We painted fireworks to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Marbling planets

We mixed different colour marbling inks and created our own planet.

Keeper of the keys

We played a great drama game called "Keeper of the Keys".
In our version, one of the children is as the keeper of the keys and sits on a chair with the keys beneath him/her.  Another child steals the keys then rushes back to their own place and hides the keys.  Then our keeper can turn around and try and guess who has the keys.  This is a fun game.  We really enjoyed playing it.
Other versions of Keeper of the Keys: