Thursday, January 31, 2013

Finger printed pictures

Look at the great picture we printed just our finger tips.
It was a little messy, but great fun.
We are wonderful artists!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

St. Brigid's cross

Look at the St. Brigid's cross made by a granny of one of the girls in our class.
Real crosses are made with rushes, and have many layers.
We really like this one.
Thanks Granny!
If you would like to learn to make one by yourself, follow the instructions on this page:

Pastel art

We loved smudging today. U make a mark and then smudge and spread the pastel as far as it will go.

Looking for ideas with pastels?
Click here:

Composing music with percussion instruments

We made up patterns with percussion instruments today and played each others' compositions.They sounded really good!

Snow painting

After watching Rise of the Guardians, we decided to wave our magic paintbrushes like Jack Frost and spread snow and ice on pages.They turned out lovely and icy looking!

Playing claves with Marsha

Marsha is back with us on Thursdays for more lovely music lessons.She does wonderful songs and games with us ,and brings us instruments to play.We all played claves with her recently.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

St.Brigid's crosses and pictures

Look at the lovely St. Brigid's crosses we learned to make in school today.
We heard the story of St. Brigid and we coloured her wonderful cloak or we used coloured papers to make a collage of her famous cloak.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Google 4 Doodle semi-finalists

   Congratulations to the 3 Google 4 Doodle semi finalists from our class.
Watch out in case they make it to the next round on February 18th.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A bed for our princess

 Our amazing sets and props grandad Len has brought our princess a bed so she can sleep peacefully during our drama.  Watch out for a little green pea princess!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snowman drama

We pretended to be snowman flying through the air with a partner. The music guided is all to the next land. We arrived at four different lands; marshmallow land, laughing land, dancing land and silly land.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Abstract art

We listened to music and made abstract pictures like the artist Kandinsky. We loved it because there was no right or wrong way if drawing these pictures. We think the all the colours look fantastic!