Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Clay: Senior Infants

We made some lovely pots out of clay last week. We had to roll and shape the clay carefully. We rolled it into a ball and then used our thumbs to shape it into a pot.
We left them to dry for a few days. We painted and decorated them. They looked lovely when we had them finished.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Penguins on the ice: Senior infants

We finished our penguins today and they turned out great!! Last week we painted the background using blue paint and a water wash. Thn we blotted on some white paint here and there to create the ice. When dry, we outlined the main shape of the penguin by painting an oval shape and two triangles on either side for the wings and painted it black. We then painted the beak orange and added two feet. When dry we stuck on a white paper oval for the tummy and addewd an eye. We are learning a lot about penguins at the moment in class and we will be making our own little book on penguin facts this week.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An owl in a tree: Senior infants

Can you find an owl in each tree? We wet our pages with water first and then we painted the background (orange and yellow) by using our fingers.This was a lot quicker than using a paintbrush. Then when it was dry we painted the trunk of the tree and added the branches. We used our thumb print to make the owl. We added a moon and some stars. 

Dick Whittington Pantomime

The West Midlands Theatre Company came to visit our school today and performed Dick Whittington. It was really great and we all enjoyed it immensely. The costumes were super too. Well done to all involved.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

Magical clay things: Senior Infants

We made clay objects from the story "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"- brooms, buckets,hats and wands.We painted them in magical colours when they were dry!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Halloween Art: First Class

Here is some of our Halloween Art.
We had great fun making our scarey pictures and spooky spiders for our glitter webs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Senior Infants

We read a great story in class called "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" about a wizard's helper who puts on a magic hat despite being told not to.We thought up reasons why he should/should not have put on the hat and then the children lined up and whispered those reasons to an "apprentice" as they walked towards the hat.It was interesting to see if the apprentices chose the yes/no side each time! We played Sorcerer's Apprentice music and the children moved as magic brooms/sorcerers to the music.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Galway City Council Art Competition: Junior Infants

Today was the last day for entries for the Galway City Council Calendar Competition. Thanks to all who made the effort. I brought them in  to City hall today after school. Hope we are lucky and win a nice prize! This is our class entry

No one quite like me: Junior Infants

 A the kids  made a lovely picture  titled " There's no one quite like me" about themselves which includes a first school photo, a  handprint and  fingerprint.